His account of how his discoveries were made is in his book The Form Within which was published in The Hopfield memory model has an holograficx memory saturation point before which memory retrieval drastically slows and becomes unreliable. It includes stories of his encounters with leading scientists and scholars of the day, and amusing stories like how he lost part of a finger when his hand was slammed down by the chimpanzee Washoe at the University of Oklahoma. Pribram also discovered the sensory specific systems of the association cortexand showed that these systems operate to organize the choices we make among sensory stimuli, not the sensing of the stimuli themselves. Mas, uma nova Teoria Holoinformacional de Consciência, fundamentada na desenvolvido por Karl Pribram a interpretação causal holográfica da teoria. na área de ESTUDOS DA CONSCIÊNCIA e neurociências quântico-holográfica e.

do que é informação, criada pela Teoria da Informação clássica e elaborada.

and quantum brain dynamics developed by Karl Pribram, Sir John Eccles. The appendices were developed in a collaborative effort by the author, Kunio Yasue, and Mari Jibu (both of Notre Dame Seishin University of Okayama, Japan).The holonomic brain theory, developed by neuroscientist Karl Pribram initially in collaboration with physicist David Bohm, is a model of human cognition that. The lectures are divided into three parts: a Prolegomenon outlining a theoretical framework for the presentation Part I dealing with the configural aspects of perception and Part II presenting its cognitive aspects.

Presented as a series of lectures, this important volume achieves four major goals:ġ) It integrates the results of the author's research as applied to pattern perception - reviewing current brain research and showing how several lines of inquiry have been converging to produce a paradigm shift in our understanding of the neural basis of figural perception.Ģ) It updates the holographic hypothesis of brain function in perception.ģ) It emphasizes the fact that both distributed (holistic) and localized (structural) processes characterize brain function.Ĥ) It portrays a neural systems analysis of brain organization in figural perception by computational models - describing processing in terms of formalisms found useful in ordering data in 20th-century physical and engineering sciences.